I leave no stone unturned and consider every item's potential value and organize them accordingly: to be kept, sold, consigned, or donated.
Antiques, collectibles, and household goods reach their best audience through varied sales venues. I advise effective selling strategies based on your needs and timeframe.
Homeowners & Heirs
Elder Care Services
Estate Planners
Decluttering Services
Real Estate Agents
Antique Dealers & Collectors
Below are photographs showing examples of objects and categories that you may have in your home, attic, garage, and over-stuffed storage units.

Letting go of cherished possessions doesn't have to be a daunting task
Preparing to move forward to another phase of life brings great challenges. Yet, the unknown of how to begin sorting through a lifetime of treasures does not have to be as overwhelming as it may seem.
Nick's Estate Services provides a thoughtful array of Downsizing and Decluttering Resources to meet your needs, including: Valuations, Sorting, Purchasing, Consignment, and Estate Sales.
Before you consider paying a trucking service to heartlessly haul away cherished furniture, favorite artworks, vintage housewares, and years of memories, please contact me for a free and professional phone consultation.
I have been dealing in antiques, collectibles, and decorative objects for over 45 years
Together with an extensive international network of private collectors, antique dealers, auction galleries, and donation centers, we can help breathe new life into your much-loved objects by finding homes where they will be appreciated for years to come.